The Twitter space has always been a great way to communicate with friends, followers, and celebrities. But did you know that the space also houses some powerful audio tools? In recent months, Twitter has made great strides in innovating its audio tools by introducing podcasts and a redesigned Spaces tab. Not only is the podcasting experience better than ever, but the Spaces tab now offers much better search capabilities. Whether you’re looking for a quick listening pleasure or want to find conversations about a specific topic, the new Spaces tab is perfect for you! Twitter introduces redesigned Spaces tab with better search capabilities

Twitter tunes in to podcasts through Spaces

Twitter has been paying attention to the needs of its users and has introduced redesigned Spaces tab that makes finding and following podcasts a breeze. The new search capabilities make it easy to navigate through the vast number of podcasts that are available. You can now start following specific shows, or find a random show from a certain category by using the “random” button on the toolbar. Additionally, Twitter has redesigned its “In This Episode” section to list notable moments from past episodes of your favorite podcasts. Finally, the Spaces tab has been revamped to make it easier to find and follow your favorite shows.

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Itter redesigns its Spaces tab – now with better search capabilities.

Twitter has redesigned its Spaces tab, making it easier to find and follow the people and organizations you care about. The new search capabilities make it easy to find what you’re looking for, whether you’re looking for a specific user or an entire group. The new tab also includes a ‘People You May Know’ feature, which recommends users you may be interested in following. So, whether you’re looking for a new place to hang out or want to learn more about a topic, the redesigned Spaces tab is sure to help.

Twitter introduces redesigned Spaces tab with better search capabilities
Twitter introduces redesigned Spaces tab with better search capabilities

List of your most recent tweets sorted by the time they were posted

Twitter users rejoice! The Spaces tab has been revamped and offers better search capabilities as well as easier navigation between multiple conversations at once. Now, all of your tweets are sorted by the time they were posted, making it easier to find what you’re looking for. Additionally, the new design makes it easier to follow conversations in multiple threads at once. If you’re looking for a better Twitter experience, be sure to check out the revamped Spaces tab.

Odcasts that you’ve subscribed to are listed in reverse chronological order

Twitter users have been asking for a redesign of the Spaces tab for a while now, and the social media platform has finally delivered. The new Spaces tab features a better search capabilities, as well as the ability to keep track of all the odcasts that you’ve subscribed to – in reverse chronological order. If there’s an episode of an odcast that you want to watch but don’t have time right now, Twitter has introduced “For Later” which will save the episode for later when time is available. Additionally, if you’re wanting to search for a specific episode of an odcast that you’ve subscribed to, the redesigned Spaces tab lets you do just that! The new design also makes it easier to keep track of all the odcasts that you’ve subscribed to – in reverse chronological order. So, whether you’re looking for a new podcast to add to your list or just want to make life a little easier by navigating through your subscriptions in a more efficient way, the new Spaces tab is definitely

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He ability to see which episodes of a podcast you’ve already watched

Twitter has redesigned their Spaces tab, adding better search capabilities. The new Spaces tab makes it faster and easier to follow your favorite shows and conversations! You can now see which episodes of a podcast you’ve already watched, making it easier to find and watch them again. Additionally, you can now see when new episodes are released, so you’ll always be up-to-date on the latest content.

Twitter introduces redesigned Spaces tab with better search capabilities
Twitter introduces redesigned Spaces tab with better search capabilities

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find people to follow based on interests or topics?

Twitter has recently revamped their Spaces tab, which allows users to search for people based on their interests or topics. This will give you a list of people who follow similar topics as you, making it easier to find potential followers. Additionally, if you want to see tweets from specific accounts that are related to your interests, tweet @Twitter and they’ll reply with a list of users following those accounts.

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What are the new features of Twitter’s redesigned Spaces tab?

Twitter has redesigned its Spaces tab, which now includes better search capabilities that allow you to find tweets related to a specific topic or interest. Additionally, you can see the followers of a tweet who are also interested in the same topic. This makes it easier to get started with your research.

How can I hide my public tweets so that only people I follow see them?

Twitter has revamped the Spaces tab, which allows you to hide your public tweets from everyone except people you follow. To do this, just click on it and select “Hide this tweet.” This space will only show up for people you follow.

Twitter introduces redesigned Spaces tab with better search capabilities
Twitter introduces redesigned Spaces tab with better search capabilities

Is there a way to share individual tweets from within Spaces?

Yes, you can share individual tweets from within the redesigned Spaces tab by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of a tweet and selecting “share this tweet.”

Can I use hashtags in my tweets from within Spaces?

Yes, hashtags are now supported in the redesigned Spaces tab. You can use keywords while searching for tweets from within Spaces.


Twitter has updated its Spaces tab with a number of new features that make it more user-friendly. One of these features is the redesigned Spaces tab with better search capabilities. Now, you can easily find the tweets and media you’re looking for by using refined filters and search options. Additionally, the list of your most recent tweets is sorted by time, making it easy to find the latest posts. Lastly, Odcasts that you’ve subscribed to are listed in reverse chronological order, so you can easily see which episodes you’ve already watched. If you have any questions or feedback about these new features, please let us know in the comments below!

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