The world’s largest social media platform announced on Wednesday that it would introduce its own podcasts tab, which will appear above the explore tab in your Twitter feed, in the coming weeks. However, the company also stated that it will not be creating or hosting any podcasts; rather, this tab will simply be an index of popular podcasts, with the featured podcasts being chosen based on Twitter users’ engagement with those podcasts, including how many times those podcasts have been shared on Twitter and listened to through podcast apps like Apple Podcasts and Stitcher. Twitter Introduces New Podcast Tab

What should you do if you already have your own podcast?
First of all, relax. Second, if you already have a podcast and are worried about being forced to leave iTunes, don’t be—you won’t.

What should you do if you have a side hustle podcast?
A lot of side hustle content comes in podcast form. We talked to successful podcasters about how they make money from their podcast. Here are some top tips from them on how you can make a side hustle podcast work for you!

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What should you do if you want to start your own podcast?
In order to start your own podcast, you’ll first need to come up with an idea for what your podcast will be about. Once you have an idea, you’ll want to search around on Twitter and see if there are any other podcasts that are similar to what you want to do. Once you find a few podcasts that are like yours, follow their Twitter accounts and look at their followers. Find out what they tweet about frequently and how often they tweet about it.

How can social media help your podcast?
Let’s face it, social media is a necessary evil. It has become an inextricable part of our lives, but that doesn’t mean you should use it just because everyone else is. Do your homework and choose what works best for your podcast and audience—and don’t try to be everything to everyone else. If you use social media, take some time to learn how to make your page attractive, engaging and shareable without compromising quality or tone. Here are some general tips

Twitter Introduces New Podcast Tab
Twitter Introduces New Podcast Tab

How will advertisers use this new feature?
As Twitter continues to make strides towards becoming a go-to platform for streaming news and entertainment, it has introduced a new feature that will no doubt be extremely popular with its users. The podcast tab will appear in the Twitter application menu bar—alongside existing options such as Moments, Notifications, and Messages—and can be tapped to instantly access featured audio content.

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Interesting Apps for iPad that connect with the new Podcast Tabs
Twitter users who are iPad owners will soon have access to a podcast tab. Once it launches, Twitter users can connect to specific accounts that host podcasts and then stream them right in their feed. If you’re a fan of listening to audio on Twitter, here are three apps that work best with these new tabs. They all make use of playlists and are currently compatible with Android as well as iOS devices.

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