In this blog post, we will be looking at how to compile Java programs using the command prompt. By following these simple steps, you will be able to compile Java programs on your computer without having to install any additional software. Before getting started, it is important to understand what a Java compiler is and what it does. After that, we will show you how to compile a Java program using the command prompt in JDK 8 or later. If you encounter any problems while compiling your program, be sure to read through the Troubleshooting section for some helpful tips. Finally, we will provide you with a summary of the article so that you can refer back to it when needed. The Complete Guide to compile and run a Java Program using Command Prompt

How to use the command prompt to compile Java programs

Command prompt is a nifty tool that can come in handy for beginners who want to learn more about compiling Java code. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use the command prompt to compile Java programs. By following our guide, you’ll avoid errors and save time. We hope you enjoy learning this handy command, and that it helps you in your programming journey.

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Compiling Java using the JDK 8 or later

Java is a powerful programming language that is used in a variety of applications. If you want to compile your Java program, you will need the JDK (Java Development Kit). The JDK is a software program that contains all the tools you need to compile and run Java code. To compile Java code using the JDK 8 or later, you first need to download and install the JDK. Once you have the JDK installed, you can use the javac command to compile your code into a file called java-compiled.class . Finally, open a Command Prompt window and change to the directory where your Java code is located. From here, you can run your compiled program by running the java -jar java-compiled.class command in this same Command Prompt window.

The Complete Guide to compile and run a Java Program using Command Prompt
The Complete Guide to compile and run a Java Program using Command Prompt

What is a Java compiler and what does it do?

Java is a popular programming language that is used to create executable files and program code. A Java compiler is a software program that translates Java source code into machine code, which can be run on a computer. Java compilers come in different flavors and can be used to compile existing source code or even write new source code in Java. In order to get started, it’s best to read the Command Prompt user’s guide. By doing so, you’ll learn more about the command prompt, how to use it, and what its various features are.

Troubleshooting compilation errors in Java

Java is a popular programming language that is used in a variety of applications. To compile a Java program, errors may occur that prevent the application from running correctly. If compilation still fails, it may be necessary to look for compatibility issues between your computer’s operating system and Java runtime environment. If all of these steps fail to solve the problem, it may be necessary to consult a Java developer or program analyst to help resolve the issue. By following these simple steps, you should be able to compile your Java program correctly and get it running on your computer.

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Java is not just for web development anymore. With the right tools and knowledge, you can use Java to create command prompt based java programs as well. Next, create a new project in Eclipse and add the source code of your java program. Once you have done that, you can display detailed information about your running program by issuing the following command: java -classpath myproject/lib/* . To compile and run your program, simply issue the following command: java -jar myprogram.jar . In case you want to learn more about Java or programing in general, be sure to check out our blog regularly!

The Complete Guide to compile and run a Java Program using Command Prompt
The Complete Guide to compile and run a Java Program using Command Prompt

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Java?

Java is a computer programming language that enables you to create mobile apps, websites, desktop applications, and games. It also has broad applicability in the business world due to its user-friendliness. In other words, Java makes software development easier for most people. JDK (Java Development Kit) can be downloaded for free from Oracle’s website. Once installed, you can use it to compile and run programs using command prompt.

What are some common errors that I might encounter while compiling my Java program?

When compiling a Java program, some of the most common errors that you may encounter are error stating “Illegal keyword usage” or “Incompatible class file format”. Additionally, make sure to use the correct version of the Java compiler and all required libraries. Furthermore, check for syntax errors, mismatched parentheses and brackets, missing brace characters, etc.

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What are the different types of files that a Java program can contain?

A Java program can contain source code, resource files (HTML, images etc), and class files. Source code is the actual text of the program that you will be running on your computer. Resource files are files that are used by the program to perform specific tasks. For example, an HTML file might contain the code that creates the graphical user interface (GUI) for your program. Class files are the files that contain thecode for all of the classes that your program will use.

How can I run my compiled Java program on my computer?

To use the Command Prompt to run your compiled Java program on your computer, first make sure you have java installed. Then open the Command Prompt by going to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. Once the Command Prompt is open, type java and press Enter. This will prompt you for the path to the java executable file on your computer, and then it will run the program.

The Complete Guide to compile and run a Java Program using Command Prompt
The Complete Guide to compile and run a Java Program using Command Prompt

How do I compile a Java program using the command line?

To compile a Java program using the command line, first open a Command Prompt window and navigate to the folder where your Java files are located. Next, type in the javac -classpath command followed by the path to the Java file you would like to compile (for example, javac -classpath C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_181\lib\tools.jar You can also use the -verbose switch for more detailed instructions on how to compile a Java program. By entering javac -verbose, you will be given more information about the compiler process as it happens.


In this blog, you have learned everything you need to know about compiling Java programs using the command prompt. By following the steps outlined, you will be able to compile Java programs using JDK 8 or later. Additionally, you will know how to troubleshoot compilation errors in Java, and finally, you will have a general understanding of what a Java compiler is and what it does. This blog has provided you with everything you need to get started with compiling Java programs, so make sure to check it out!

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