Last year Apple unveiled its newest iPhone, iPhone Xs. Not only was it the company’s new flagship device, but it also introduced the world to Face ID technology – software that allows you to unlock your phone just by looking at it! Then, last month Apple released its newest flagship device, iPhone Xr (iPhone ten-r). Similar to its other models, Face ID can be used to unlock this new device as well! Now, after months of rumors and speculation, Apple has finally revealed why it won’t work with face masks. iOS 13.5 lets you use Face ID with a face mask

Who needs the feature?

Before iOS 13.5, anyone wearing a face mask (Santa Claus and his elves) would have to type in their passcode to access their iPhone or iPad. Now, users will be able to grant access automatically without any extra steps because of Apple’s new API update. If they aren’t sure if it is them trying to enter, they can swipe up on their device’s screen or double tap on it like usual while using Face ID.

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How does this new feature work?

The latest update to iOS allows users to use facial recognition even if they are wearing a disguise or covering their face in some way. This is done by using a 3D sensor and comparing it against known images of that person’s face stored in your phone’s database.

Can I turn off Face ID?

iOS 13.5 allows users to disable Face ID which means users can turn off facial recognition if they so choose to do so, unlike Android phones where no such option exists as of current updates. Users can enable and disable Face ID by going into Settings > General > Accessibility > AssistiveTouch where they can enable/disable AssistiveTouch and also access TouchID or FaceID settings from there as well.

iOS 13.5 lets you use Face ID with a face mask
iOS 13.5 lets you use Face ID with a face mask

Is there anyway around this?

Some users have found that by slightly shifting their iPhone camera into landscape mode, they can bypass some of these issues with Face ID’s accuracy. However, it might not be worth using such an awkward setup to get your iPhone XS or XR to work properly—this trick is particularly difficult on smaller phones like Apple’s 6.1-inch budget models, for example.

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Other benefits from this update

This update to iOS may not be as flashy as some of Apple’s other launches, but it also has its own share of benefits for users. In addition to an intriguing new camera feature, iOS 13.5 brings bug fixes and a security patch for Apple devices that should make your devices safer to use online without giving away sensitive information about your location or making it easy for people who want to access your accounts to do so easily.

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