As your team starts using Microsoft Teams, you’ll find that some of the conversations don’t really serve any purpose anymore or aren’t relevant anymore to your working environment, and you’ll want to delete them. Deleting them can be done quickly and easily, which will save you time and make it easier to browse through your Microsoft Teams conversations. Here’s how! How to Save Time by Quickly Deleting a Conversation in Microsoft Teams

Double-click the conversation thread you want to delete

If you haven’t already, click into any conversation thread inside of your team and double-click on any message from that thread to get more details about it. This will give you access to each individual message in that specific conversation.

Select Delete

Use Select Delete if you don’t want to retain a conversation but don’t need it deleted permanently. This option will remove conversations from your search results, so if you ever need to re-find that chat, you’ll have to search for it again.

How to Save Time by Quickly Deleting a Conversation in Microsoft Teams
How to Save Time by Quickly Deleting a Conversation in Microsoft Teams

Delete Your Chat History

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Microsoft Teams is perfect for facilitating collaborative efforts, but your chat history can become cluttered with unproductive conversations. Luckily, there’s an easy way to speed up your team’s workflow and save time: delete conversations you don’t need or simply don’t want to keep around. Here’s how

Delete What’s Left

Sure, it can be tempting to delete each message one-by-one, but that approach wastes time—it’s possible you might miss something important. Instead, when you need to get rid of an entire chat, use keyboard shortcuts: Control + K on Windows or Command + Option + L on Mac. When you do so, all remaining messages are deleted automatically.

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