If you’re like most people, you use Apple Maps a lot. Between navigation, checking directions, and finding places to eat, it’s a valuable app in your life. But what if you never have to search for the same stop or route again? That’s where favorite stops come in – they make it easy to quickly access a specific stop again, without having totype it in every time. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to add stops to a route in Apple Maps, so that you can save them for future use. Plus, we’ll give you tips on how to choose the best type of stop for your needs. So go ahead and add some stops to your route today! How to Save a Route As a Favorite in Apple Maps

Tap on “Done” to save the stop

Saving a stop as a favorite is an essential step when navigationing on the go. By simply tapping on “Done” at the bottom of the screen, you’ll be able to easily access your saved stops whenever you need them. If you’re using an iPhone 6 or newer, you can add stops by double-tapping on the stop icon in Apple Maps app. Android users will need to long-press on the stop to add it to your favorites list. Finally, to access your saved stops, simply tap on the map and select “Stops.”

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Choose the type of stop – either street address or landmark

There’s nothing like settling in for a long drive and getting lost in your favorite show or book. But what if you could save the route as a favorite so you never have to worry about getting lost again? You can do just that by choosing the type of stop – either street address or landmark. Street addresses are great for when you’re on the go, and landmarks make navigation a breeze. Keep in mind that Apple Maps updates routes frequently, so be sure to choose the stop that’s most current or relevant to where you’re going. No more worries about getting lost – you’ve got this!

How to Save a Route As a Favorite in Apple Maps
How to Save a Route As a Favorite in Apple Maps

Open Apple Maps

If you use Apple Maps a lot, you know how frustrating it can be when you lose your way. No need to worry anymore! Now, every time you want to find your way, simply open Apple Maps and look for your favorite route! Open Apple Maps and click on the Menu (three lines in a triangle) located in the top left corner of your screen. Scroll down to “Add Location” and select “Route.” Give your route a name and add it to your Favorites list. If you ever need to find it again, just open the app and click on it. You’ll be able to follow the route with ease!

In the next screen, tap on “Add Stop”

Route saving is a great way to keep track of your destination and plan the best route to get there. To save a route as a favorite, go to the next screen in Apple Maps and tap “add stop.” This will open the “add stop” screen. On this screen, you will need to enter the details for your stop – including its name and address. If you’re not happy with the results of a search, you can always adjust the filters before starting anew. Having a route saved as a favorite is a great way to easily access it again, and makes navigation a lot faster and easier.

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Tap on the three lines in the top left corner

Ready to take your cycling to the next level? Follow these simple steps to add a new route to your cycling map in Apple Maps: 1. Open the ‘Maps’ app on your iPhone and tap on the three lines in the top left corner. 2. Tap ‘Add New Route…’ and add your desired route. 3. Name and save your route as a favorite, then hit ‘Done.’ 4. Ride away!

How to Save a Route As a Favorite in Apple Maps
How to Save a Route As a Favorite in Apple Maps

Enter a name for the stop and set its location

When you’re traveling and planning your route, it can be really helpful to have a favorite stop. This way, you can easily find it and navigate to it without any hassle. How to make a stop a favorite in Apple Maps? Simple. Just enter the name of the stop, and set its location. You can also edit or delete favorites at any time by pressing ‘F’ on your keyboard when viewing them on Apple Maps. Happy travels!

On the Menu that opens up, select “Stops”

Route planning can be a tedious task, but it’s so much easier with a favorite stop. That’s why it’s important to add stops to your route as soon as you can. To do this, open up the ‘Stops’ menu in Apple Maps and add a stop by typing it in or finding it on a map. Once you’ve added a stop, you can then manage it on the app’s home screen. If you change your mind about where to go, just delete the favorite and start over from step one! Saving a route as a favorite is a great way to keep track of your progress and keep things organized.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay to share my route with friends?

Absolutely! Sharing your route with friends is a great way to make the most of your travel experience. Not only will they be able to chat with you while you’re on your trip, but they’ll also be able to follow along and get directions as you go. You can even create groups for fellow travelers so that everyone can follow the same route at once!

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Can I delete a route that I’ve saved as a favorite using Apple Maps?

Yes, you can delete a saved route from Apple Maps. To do this, open up the map and select the route that you want to delete. Once selected, press and hold on the route until it starts jiggling – this is your cue that it’s about to be deleted.

How to Save a Route As a Favorite in Apple Maps
How to Save a Route As a Favorite in Apple Maps

How do I save a route as my favorite in Apple Maps?

To save a route as your favorite, open up the Maps app and go to Menu > My Routes. On the next screen, toggle “Add This Route As A Favorite” to ON. Now, on the Route you want to save as a favorite, tap on it. On the next screen, you’ll be able to choose whether you want to add this route to your Favorites list or not. You can also share the route with others via text message or email if you want.

What are the different ways that I can use Apple Maps to navigate around town?

There are a few different ways that you can use Apple Maps to navigate around town.

1. By pressing and holding on the route, then choosing ‘Save As Favorite’. This will add the route to your Favorites list so that you can easily access it again in the future.

2. Alternatively, you can press and hold on the route while driving, and choose ‘Add To Favorites’ from the menu that pops up. This will add the route to your Favorites list so that you can easily access it again without ever having to search for it.

3. Last but not least, you can add a route to your Routes folder through the Settings app on your phone. This way, you can save the route as a permanent shortcut so that you always have it at your fingertips.


By following these simple steps, you can easily save a stop as a favorite in Apple Maps. This will allow you to easily access the stop whenever you need it, without having to search for it manually. Plus, by adding a name to the stop, it will make it easier for you to remember where the stop is. Have any questions or suggestions about how to save a stop as a favorite in Apple Maps? Let us know in the comments below!

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