Gwen Shamblin Lara was an American author and the founder of The Weigh Down Workshop, an international Christian diet program. She was also the founder of Remnant Fellowship, an organization based in Collierville, Tennessee that described itself as a group of people who seek to live by God’s Word and to encourage others to do the same. Shamblin Lara died in February 2016 due to complications from pancreatic cancer. She was 64 years old at the time of her death. Gwen Shamblin Lara s life and career as an American author

How she became a Christian

Gwen Shamblin was born on May 10, 1961 in Nashville, Tennessee. In 1981, Gwen graduated from Austin Peay State University with a bachelor’s degree in French literature. She worked in Nashville for a number of years before becoming a full-time minister and traveling around to different conferences throughout America. She wrote her first book while she was giving a presentation at one of these conferences on another diet program called Weigh Down Workshop that she had founded years earlier. Gwen Shamblin Lara s life and career as an American author

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How she started writing

A chapter from ‘Eating for Life’ about faith, fear and healing can be found in ‘The Way Down: God, Greed, and the Cult of Gwen Shamblin’, a documentary directed by Max Lewkowicz that is scheduled to air on HBO. It was while working on her first book that she came up with her now-famous diet program.

Her books

It Was Me All Along (2009), Holy Hunger: Woman’s Search for Spiritual Wholeness in a Hungry World (2012) , Faith Walk: Discovering Who You Are and Why You Are Here on Earth (2017)

Her website

Gwen Shamblin was an American writer, dietitian, and speaker. She was also a charismatic Christian whose teachings led to controversy because of their similarity to New Thought philosophy. In 1998, she wrote the best-selling book on her diet method called Dieting with God. In 2012, HBO premiered a documentary titled Weight of a Nation: The Gwen Shamblin Story that focused on her early years and controversial claims of curing cancer through diet.

Gwen Shamblin Lara s life and career as an American author
Gwen Shamblin Lara s life and career as an American author

Her troubles with cancer

Ms. Lara was diagnosed with cancer in 2001, which she said occurred due to her poor eating habits prior to her Christian conversion. She developed a tumor in her left breast that spread to lymph nodes near her lungs. After undergoing chemotherapy, doctors informed Ms. Lara that they could not remove all of the cancerous cells; what remained would almost certainly kill her within five years. Instead of turning away from God, however, Ms.

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Her death by suicide in 2001

In March 2001, Gwen committed suicide by overdosing on prescription pills, her body was found at home by one of her children. She left behind three children and a husband who did not know she had died until he returned home from work to find police in his house. Her death was ruled a suicide, though many members of The Way Down were of course suspicious that foul play might have been involved.


Gwen Shamblin was born on May 10, 1945 in San Francisco, California. She has been called a devout Christian and public speaker. In 1999, she founded The Weigh Down Workshop (now known as The Weigh Down Diet). This Christian weight loss program is based upon her book The Weigh Down Diet, which became a New York Times bestseller in 2000.


Skipping dinner, or not eating, can be a good way to lose weight quickly. It is important, however, to watch how much you eat throughout your entire day. Skipping food while you’re eating something unhealthy will cause your body to go into starvation mode. You will want a nice dinner after skipping all day. Make sure that dinner contains a good amount of protein and vegetables. Also remember to drink plenty of water with every meal.

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One aspect of Gwen’s legacy has to do with her prolific writing. She wrote some 20 books, on everything from how to lose weight and eat right to how women should live their lives. As a Christian woman, her strong faith comes through in these books – much of it written under a pen name (her birth name was Gwen McFarland). Her book The Weigh Down Diet is still popular among Christian followers who are trying to lose weight according to God’s will.

Why does Gwen Shamblin have big hair?

For over 20 years, Gwen Shamblin has been living her life to its fullest potential. Not only is she a full-time mother of seven children, but she is also founder of two businesses, The Weigh Down Workshop and Remnant Fellowship Church. Even though she juggles all these roles each day, it’s not her appearance that puts her in the spotlight.

gwen shamblin lara net worth

Gwen Shamblin Lara was an American author, founder of the Christian diet program The Weigh Down Workshop and founder of Remnant Fellowship. She was worth $50 million at her death in 2013. Her wife Lynette also died on July 12, 2018 (natural causes). The women had been married for 48 years.

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