Instagram has just added a new feature to its photo-sharing platform called Notes, which will let users add text, video, and images to the caption box of their posts, notes AllThingsD’s Liz Gannes . She writes, What’s more, those posts can now be as long as you want. Previously, Instagram photos had to have at least one line of text in the caption. Get the Scoop on Instagram’s New ‘Notes’ Feature

What is the feature?

The new Notes feature allows you to share updates, thoughts and inspirations with your followers. You can type in a message up to 3000 characters and format it using headings, bold, italicize and underline text. Your note will appear as a post in your profile feed for 24 hours before disappearing. It will also be visible on the Explore tab. In addition to images, videos and GIFs that are natively shared through Instagram, you’ll also be able to upload any type of file (PDFs, Word documents etc.) by adding it from your phone or computer desktop.

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How do I use it?

If you’re an avid photographer, then you’ll love this new feature. The update will allow users to upload a photo and annotate it with text and drawings. This is a great way to give your followers a behind-the-scenes look at what you’re doing or why you took that photo. You can also share your ideas for future posts and give some insight into what inspires you. Notes can also be used as a brainstorming tool if you have writer’s block. How cool would it be to see famous authors brainstorming their next book? Your followers would feel like they’re sitting in on a private meeting!

Why should I use it?

Ever wanted to share your thoughts, quotes or ideas with people but never knew how? Well now you can! The new Notes feature lets you add messages to your photos so that when someone views them, they’ll see a little note pop up.

This new feature is perfect for all sorts of different things. It could be a quote or a story that explains the photo in more detail. You could also use it to share an idea, voice frustration or give out advice.

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Which other apps are similar?

-Trello: Trello lets you organize your projects into boards. You can also attach notes, photos, and videos to various cards in your board so you have a complete overview of what’s going on in each project. You can upload files from your computer or use Trello as a digital bulletin board by dragging images from your browser window to the card.

Get the Scoop on Instagram's New 'Notes' Feature
Get the Scoop on Instagram’s New ‘Notes’ Feature

-Evernote: Evernote is great for taking notes during a meeting or organizing thoughts for a big project.

What kind of information can I share with Notes?

Instagram has just released a new feature called notes, which allows you to post text, images, and videos in a separate tab for your followers to see. This is perfect for those who want to share their thoughts with the world without having to worry about cluttering up their main feed. Notes can be used anywhere from telling your followers about your latest blog post or announcing upcoming events. Plus, they’re great for saving ideas or inspiration that you might want to come back later and share.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the new notes feature on Instagram?

Instagram is now testing a new feature called notes that allows users to share text and images in one post. The platform has been testing this feature for some time, but it is just now rolling out to all users. With notes, you can share personal thoughts, memories and inspirations in the same place where you would usually post photos or videos.

You can write as much as you want and edit your note before posting it – something that isn’t possible with most social media platforms.

Why don’t I have the notes feature on Instagram?

The new Notes feature has been rolling out to some users but is not yet available to everyone. It’s unclear when it will be available for all users.

At this time, there is no way of telling if you have the new Notes feature or not. There are ways to tell what version of Instagram you’re using, however, by checking your app settings and then looking for notes in the list of options.

How to get Instagram Notes?

Instagram has introduced a new feature called notes, which allows users to share text posts with followers. This is great news for brands who want to use video or text to share more information about their product, service, or event!

Check out the video below for a demo on how to get started with this new feature.

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