Recently, a deaf and dumb thief was apprehended on CCTV footage stealing expensive electronic gadgets from a phone store. Needless to say, the victims of this crime were outraged. The 41-year-old man, identified only as ‘M’, walked into a phone store in the city of Cologne, Germany and picked up several expensive smartphones without anyone noticing. M then made his way out of the store without paying for any of the devices. M is deaf and dumb, which makes him very unlikely to be able to understand or read any signage in the phone store. This makes it even more unlikely that he would have realized that he was taking stolen property. Thief who ‘deaf and dumb’ was caught on CCTV stealing phones

CCTV captures ‘deaf and dumb’ thief stealing cell phones

It’s always important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions when it comes to your personal belongings and electronic devices. This is especially important when you’re in a store like the one where the CCTV footage of a thief was captured. The thief, who police have identified and arrested, is “deaf and dumb” as he walks into the store and begins stealing cell phones. It’s a terrifying story that serves as a warning to all citizens to be extra vigilant when it comes to their personal belongings. This particular store had detailed security footage that was able to help police identify and arrest the thief. Thankfully, no one was hurt in the process. Be smart and protect yourself and your loved ones by being aware of your surroundings and taking the proper precautions.

CCTV footage of thief who is deaf and dumb

This case serves as a warning for people to be careful when using their phones. Theft of mobile devices is on the rise, and it’s not just happening during the day – it can happen at any time of the night, too. In this particular case, CCTV footage was used to track down the thief, who is deaf and dumb. This made the process much easier, as the thief didn’t know how to communicate with others. This case also highlights the challenges that defendants who are deaf and mute face in society. Due to their communication challenges, they often find it difficult to find or hold a job or socialize. This isn’t the only thing that these defendants have to worry about – they also have to worry about the charges that they may face.

Thief who ‘deaf and dumb’ was caught on CCTV stealing phones
Thief who ‘deaf and dumb’ was caught on CCTV stealing phones

Lice said that M has been convicted of theft before and that they believe he is mostly motivated by greed rather than any intention to harm or steal from the victims. In total, the 41-year-old man was responsible for stealing 17 phones valued at over €2,500.

Germany has a reputation for being a country of thieves – and it seems that this reputation is well-deserved. Recently, a deaf and dumb thief was caught on CCTV stealing phones in the city of Frankfurt. The 41-year-old man, who is known to police for previous thefts, was convicted of theft and sentenced to 60 days in jail. Authorities believe that the man primarily stole phones for greed rather than any malicious intent. This is the fourth time that Lice, a police department in Frankfurt, has investigated the man for theft. They believe that he is motivated more by greed than anything else, and that he likely wouldn’t have been caught if it weren’t for the CCTV footage.

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Thief who is deaf and dumb was recently caught on CCTV stealing phones. The man, identified only as ‘M’, walked into a phone store in the city of Cologne, Germany and picked up several expensive smartphones without anyone noticing. M then made his way out of the store without paying for any of the devices.

Recently, a thief was caught on CCTV footage stealing phones. Identified only as ‘M’, the man is deaf and dumb, making him an easy target for thieves. By releasing the footage, police are hoping that someone will be able to identify M and bring him to justice. It’s important for people who own expensive smartphones not to let them out of their sight, especially in high-crime areas like Cologne. Additionally, CCTV footage of the incident has been released to help catch other theft offenders. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, don’t hesitate to call the police. They’ll be more than happy to help you out!

Thief who ‘deaf and dumb’ was caught on CCTV stealing phones
Thief who ‘deaf and dumb’ was caught on CCTV stealing phones

10 Best Practices For Hiding Your Phone When Out And About

Keeping your phone safe is a top priority, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. To ensure that your phone is not stolen, follow these 10 best practices: – Keep an eye on social media and other online activity while you’re out and about to make sure no one steals your identity information or confidential data! – Use a safe place – like your car – to store your device when you’re not using it. – Avoid leaving your phone unattended in places where theft is common, like crowded areas or open parking lots. – Set up security features on your phone, like password protection and facial recognition software. – Make sure to keep your phone out of sight when you’re not using it.

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Tips To Keep Your Phone Safe When Out And About

It’s always a worry when your phone goes missing, especially if it’s your most prized possession. Here are a few tips to help keep your phone safe when out and about: – Make sure you know the location of your belongings at all times. – Always keep your phone locked when not in use. – Install security software on your computer and phone, such as antivirus or firewall protection. – Use a password to protect your devices and data.

Is blog post gives tips on how to keep your phone safe when you’re out and about. By following these simple tips, you’ll be able to avoid any embarrassing incidents in which your phone is accidentally stolen or seen by the wrong people.

Keeping your phone safe is essential – not only for your personal safety, but also for the security of your data. Blog post gives tips on how to do just that. By following these simple tips, you’ll be able to avoid any embarrassing incidents in which your phone is accidentally stolen or seen by the wrong people. One of the most important tips is to use an app that tracks the location of your device in real-time. This way, if your phone is lost or stolen, you can easily find it. Additionally, always keep your phone locked when you’re not using it. This includes when you’re in a public space. To make sure your phone is extra secure, make sure to only use secure passwords and don’t leave your phone unguarded in plain sight. Finally, make sure to only use devices that you trust, and be mindful of the devices you bring with you when you’re out and about. Happy phone-safe-keeping!

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How To Avoid Unwanted Calls And Texts On Your iPhone Or Android Device

Nobody wants to be the victim of a phone theft, but it happens to the best of us. In the latest case, a thief was caught on CCTV footage stealing phones from a store. What makes this case even more disturbing is that the thief is deaf and dumb – meaning he couldn’t hear the alarm going off or the security guard chasing him. If you’re unfortunate enough to be the victim of a phone theft, the best way to avoid unwanted calls and texts is to set up passcodes for apps, be sure to properly configure your iPhone or Android device, and use a security app like Signal to encrypt your conversations and messages. And of course, make sure you’ve enabled caller ID blocking so that you can’t be reached by anyone you don’t know.


If you’re like most people, you’re always concerned about your phone being stolen. Fortunately, there are a few simple precautions you can take to help protect your phone from theft. By following our tips, you’ll be able to keep your phone safe and out of the wrong person’s hands. Make sure to read the whole blog post to get the full scoop!

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