Google Chat, also known as Google Hangouts, has several features that you may not have known about if you don’t use it often. Google chat, which was formerly called Google Talk and has recently been integrated into the Gmail platform, can help you save time and effort when communicating with friends or colleagues who are located all over the world. Here are the four main benefits of using Google chat to improve your productivity and help you get more done in less time. Google Chat: The Secret Communication Tool You Need to Know About

How it works

Google chat is a free communication service that offers many of the same features as other messaging services. One advantage it has over others is that you can share your screen with someone else, so you can collaborate on projects or show them what you’re working on. Another great feature is that it’s linked to your Google account, so if you sign into a new computer or phone, your messages will automatically show up on whatever device you’re using. If you want to use this service but don’t have an account yet, go here and set one up for free. You’ll be able to talk to any of your contacts who also use Google Chat right away!

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Why it’s good

We are social beings, and face-to-face communication is the easiest way for us to feel connected. However, sometimes we need a bit of distance from people in order to get things done. That’s where Google Chat comes in. With this tool, you can chat with someone without actually being in the same physical space as them. It’s like having a virtual office assistant who is always there for you! In addition, it takes just one click to share your screen so that your chat partner can see exactly what you’re doing on your computer or phone. Finally, it doesn’t matter if you’re on a desktop or mobile device because the chatting will work across both types of devices.

What are the downsides?

While there are many benefits to using Google Chat, there are some downsides that you need to be aware of. First of all, it is a closed system meaning that you can only communicate with people who have an email address and a G-Chat account. If the person you want to communicate with does not have either one of those things, then your conversations will never happen. In addition, if the person you are talking with leaves their computer or turns off their device, then your conversation is over.

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How do I use it?

You can use Google Chat on Gmail, Android and iOS devices. On the desktop, you’ll see a chat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen.

If you’re running an older version of the Chrome browser, you may need to upgrade to enjoy all Google Chat features.

Google Chat: The Secret Communication Tool You Need to Know About
Google Chat: The Secret Communication Tool You Need to Know About

You’ll need an active Google account (Gmail or G Suite) and be signed in to use Google Chat. Once you sign into your account, click on Start a conversation or select contacts from your contact list and select Start a conversation. If prompted, enter the email address of the person with whom you want to chat then type your message in the text field below. When finished composing your message, just click Send!

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