Dragonkin are challenging and powerful enemies, capable of spewing fire, shooting lasers, and defending themselves with melee attacks. Your best bet is to avoid fighting them directly unless you are level 50 or above; they have a ton of health, so it will take a long time for an inexperienced player to wear them down. Instead, you should attempt to sneak past them; dragonkin typically don’t notice lone players passing by.

Where can I find dragonkin soldier?

Dragonkin Soldier can be found inside Elden Ring’s Ethereal forest. You will come across him as part of your main story quest line, but only if you explore enough to find his little nest. The nest is a short walk North from Ranger camp (not visible on map). Use vines and trees to jump up and reach it! What do I do with dragonkin soldier? : Once you have defeated him, he will drop a note that leads you to someone else. This person gives you more quests that lead into other sidequests that ultimately reward you with something special… But we won’t spoil it for now!

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How do you beat dragonkin soldier?

You can kill him quite easily with a bow or crossbow. If you don’t have one of those, you’ll want to engage him up close. If he pulls his sword out, back off immediately—he’s going to fire an arc of lightning at your location. The good news is that Elden Ring consists primarily of shields and barriers; they absorb damage rather than take it outright. It means there are few spikes in difficulty and more opportunities for challenge-driven moments like boss fights.

How many bosses will be in Elden Ring?

Since there’s no release date in sight, we have no clue. It could be one, or it could be three, but either way it should be exciting! Here are some rumors of bosses that may appear: The Stag Lord (The Witcher), Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella (Dark Souls II), Dragonslayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough (Dark Souls), Gael An Draonor and Dark Sun Gwyndolin (Dark Souls I). And more…

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What do I do after dragonkin soldier of Nokstella?

After defeating him, you’ll be able to go back and get your gear, but you won’t be able to fight him again. From here on out, things only get harder. Be sure you do all of your side quests before leaving Faelor (unless you really need that cash), because you won’t be coming back for a while. Your next stop is going to be at Istarelle’s Refuge, which is located in Elden Ring. This is where you will meet up with Morag Tong leader, Vipir The Fleet. After speaking with Vipir, you will need to travel north-east towards Nokstella Village. You will have to defeat three waves of enemies in order to reach her lair; however, there are some secret areas along the way where you can find new weapons and armor if needed.

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