WhatsApp has been one of the most popular messaging apps since its release in 2009, but it’s also been plagued by security concerns. Recently, however, many of WhatsApp’s biggest security issues have been resolved. But that doesn’t mean you can let your guard down; unscrupulous developers continue to clone the app and create phony versions of it that can steal users’ personal data or send fraudulent messages. If you use WhatsApp and think your device may have been compromised, here are some ways to make sure it’s still safe. Don’t Be the Next Victim of a WhatsApp Clone

What is a WhatsApp clone?

A WhatsApp clone is essentially an app that’s been designed to look and feel like WhatsApp. And while some people might use them out of curiosity, others are looking for an alternative to Instagram or Facebook that makes it easier for them to stay in touch with friends from other countries. The problem is, any app that hasn’t been approved by Apple or Google could be infected with malware, which means you’re putting your private information at risk if you use it. Here are three ways you can avoid downloading a WhatsApp clone

What does it do?

Spyera’s WhatsApp spy will let you read any chat that happens on your target phone. And not only that, it also allows you to listen to every conversation happening around them. With our advanced features, you’ll be able to listen in on any call and view any picture or video sent by your target. The possibilities are endless with our powerful WhatsApp spy app. All from a simple and easy-to-use interface!

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Where can I get one?

There are many websites that claim to offer such a tool, but there is no guarantee it won’t be free or that you are downloading from an official website. Don’t fall for scams just because you’re eager to spy on your girlfriend or boyfriend. You can also find and download cracked versions of these applications online; however, they may not work properly or have malware attached to them. The best way to get one is by purchasing it from a reputable company like Spyzie.

How does it work?

It’s really quite simple—the software logs into your WhatsApp account and monitors messages that are sent and received. It then forwards these chats to whoever set up the software, giving them access to your private messages. While many people use encrypted messaging apps as another level of security, some other apps aren’t so advanced—and anyone monitoring you can intercept all messages going in and out. Many people have fallen victim to WhatsApp clones, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself from becoming one too.

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What are its features and capabilities?

The app has to do pretty much everything that WhatsApp does. This includes: being able to send photos, videos and voice messages; being able to make group chats (up to 200 people); and working on both Android and iOS platforms. Additionally, it should have an auto-update feature so that users don’t have to worry about keeping their software up-to-date. Finally, it should be easy to use and offer encryption for private conversations. All in all, your clone should be as close as possible to WhatsApp in terms of features and capabilities.

What can you do if you’ve been compromised by this app?

Our first piece of advice is to uninstall any app you haven’t requested to install on your phone—and don’t let anyone tell you that these kinds of apps are impossible to remove. Also, if you have been compromised by an app like this, there are steps you can take. First and foremost, change all of your passwords for online accounts as soon as possible. And be sure to enable two-factor authentication (if available) for each account so that hackers can’t get in using just one password. Additionally, make sure you’re running anti-virus software on your computer and mobile devices; it’s not foolproof protection against spyware but it’s better than nothing!

How can I avoid falling victim to a similar app in the future?

It’s also important to know how you can avoid falling victim to similar apps in the future. With ever-rising popularity comes imitators, and there are several ways to determine if an app is trustworthy and authentic. First, ensure that your phone is running on Android 5.0 or above so that your device comes equipped with Google Play Protect. This new feature is designed to protect against malware and other malicious software; it scans all apps downloaded from outside of Google Play for potential threats before they’re installed. Second, research reviews from other users about any suspicious applications—especially those not found on Google Play—before downloading them onto your smartphone. Finally, only download apps from trusted developers and official sources such as Apple’s App Store or Amazon’s Appstore for Android.

Don't Be the Next Victim of a WhatsApp Clone
Don’t Be the Next Victim of a WhatsApp Clone


The online communication world has changed dramatically over the past decade, and in a way that has made it much easier for cybercriminals to reach their victims. With the rise of mobile phones, web-based messaging services, and smartphone apps, you’re probably using one or more of these programs to communicate with your friends and family on an ongoing basis. But just because these services are convenient doesn’t mean you should ignore your safety when using them — especially if you’re using WhatsApp as your primary form of communication!

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The next time you’re at the store and you see your favorite flavor of ice cream on sale, buy it in bulk to save money. The same principle applies to WhatsApp clone software, especially if you’re running a business that relies on user-to-user communication through the app—if you don’t buy it when you can get it cheap, chances are good that someone else will come along and offer it to your users at an even more attractive price than the one you missed out on.

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