You’ve decided you want to learn how to code, but where do you start? With dozens of free online coding courses available, it can be hard to figure out which one’s are worth your time and which are nothing more than a waste of it. Here are 10 of the best free websites to help you get started with your coding journey, from learning fundamental concepts like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP to becoming an expert programmer in specific languages like Python and Ruby on Rails. Take this opportunity to learn everything you need from these 10 best free websites to teach you how to code! 10 Best Free Websites to Teach You How to Code

1) Treehouse

Treehouse provides a number of courses on different programming languages. Beginners can learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through Treehouse’s Lessons and Projects. Treehouse’s Library has tutorials for Python, Ruby, PHP, Java, jQuery and SQL (among others). And if you’re looking for something specific not in the list above- like Rails or Nginx- check out the Additional Resources section on Treehouse’s homepage. Treehouse also offers video walkthroughs that will help teach you how to build iOS apps with Swift, web apps with HTML5 and more. Some people say that the way they learned programming was by using interactive courses such as Codecademy or Code School. Codecademy teaches Javascript and uses interactive coding challenges to help users master basic concepts.

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2) Google Developers

Google Developers offers a ton of useful resources for people who want to learn how to code. The site has an exhaustive directory of tutorials and books, there are YouTube channels that showcase interviews with Google developers, and it also provides news about everything from how artificial intelligence affects the industry to relevant developments in the open-source community. One of the most popular features on the site is that you can create your own virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) experience right there on your computer screen by downloading Project Tango. There’s even a design tool for those of us who don’t know anything about programming languages like Python. With just one click, you can take advantage of all the ways technology impacts our lives today.

10 Best Free Websites to Teach You How to Code
10 Best Free Websites to Teach You How to Code

3) IBM Free Classroom Resources

1. IBM developerWorks–The website offers both beginner and advanced topics related to programming, starting with Java and moving into mobile development. 2. Codecademy- Codecademy is a great site for beginners who are looking for an interactive tutorial that teaches various languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using visual programming blocks 3. W3 Schools- Another great site for beginners, W3 schools uses in-browser code editors so you can go straight into the lesson without downloading any software first. 4. WebMaker- The free online course at Webmaker helps students learn how to make websites by teaching them skills like HTML5 and CSS3. 5. Coursera: Coursera has courses from top universities on subjects ranging from computer science to humanities classes 6. Udacity: Udacity has courses in more technical fields such as artificial intelligence or robotics 7. Khan Academy: Khan Academy’s goal is to provide people with a world class education completely free of charge

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4) Pluralsight

Pluralsight is an online learning platform where you can get access to the world’s best training on software, creative and business skills. With interactive courses on web development, data science, project management and more, you’ll have your pick of over 10,000 hours of content for a monthly or annual subscription. As a student in their free trial period, you can try out Pluralsight for three months with no obligation or payment required.

5) OpenTechSchool

OpenTechSchool is a volunteer-driven global project, with no agenda other than helping people around the world learn to code. Over the course of 12 weeks, learners are guided through a set of collaborative coding projects in programming languages like HTML, CSS, Python and PHP. The curriculum takes an iterative approach so that you’re never wasting time learning skills you won’t need again.

6) Flatiron School

Flatiron School offers tuition-free, accelerated, full-time coding education. We teach full stack web development from the ground up and tailor the curriculum based on each student’s interests and goals. We believe learning to code should be accessible for anyone who wants it and not exclusively reserved for people who can afford it.

10 Best Free Websites to Teach You How to Code
10 Best Free Websites to Teach You How to Code

7) Khan Academy

It’s a well-known fact that engineering jobs are among the highest paying in the U.S., so if you’re considering switching careers, or adding coding knowledge on top of your current skillset, Khan Academy might be a good place to start. Founded by tech entrepreneur and philanthropist Salman Khan in 2006, KA gives all its users access to thousands of video tutorials for just about any subject imaginable-it’s basically a one-stop shop for any class you’ll ever need!

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8) Udacity

The online course platform has already seen incredible success, with over 1.4 million students and $220 million in venture funding under its belt. Udacity offers a variety of free and paid courses that are taught by industry professionals from Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Amazon, etc. Some examples of free programs include Introduction to Computer Science, A Beginner’s Guide to Java Programming, and CS 101: Building a Search Engine. #-5 are the rest

9) Coursera

This website offers free classes taught by world-class professors in more than 150 countries. Students can learn the material at their own pace, watch lectures online or even download class materials for offline viewing. Classes are offered in various languages, including English, Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. ##Mozilla Hacks (five sentences) Want to know how your favorite websites work? The Mozilla community provides you with articles and tutorials for teaching you about different aspects of web development.

10) Codecademy

Codecademy is an excellent free website that teaches you how to code with interactive lessons. These lessons cover HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The HTML and CSS lessons are geared towards beginners with detailed instructions and examples, while the JavaScript lessons introduce the basics of programming. I recommend starting with HTML and CSS first before moving on to JavaScript if you’re a beginner. The site also provides coding challenges in a gamified environment that teach fundamentals of computer science such as loops, recursion, or algorithms.

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